Ferris Peak

The Noble family: Lee, Gary, Carla and Dennis, with their father Robert Noble. Robert is the great-grandson of Jane Ferris, who homesteaded The Fenton House.
Looking out over Noble Lake at the newly-named Ferris Peak

In the summer of 2014, the descendants of Jane Ferris met and traveled to the top of an unnamed peak in the local mountains.

They officially named the peak “Ferris Peak” in memory of Jane Ferris.



View of Noble Peak from Ferris Peak

It took over a year of coordinating with government officials and local officials before the family received approval.

Ferris Peak is part of the Tobacco Root Mountains. The 10,135 foot summit of Ferris Peak is located at 45°33’32”N, 112°03’57”W in the Beaverhead National Forest, between Cloudrest Peak and Noble Peak, with Noble Lake at it’s west base. Montana’s Geographic Information website has more information regarding Ferris Peak and it’s historic naming.

Lane, Kathleen and Scott Wuelfing atop Ferris Peak

The best view in the valley of this peak is from The Fenton House in Sheridan, MT where Jane Ferris lived.

Learn more about the History of Jane Ferris and the Fenton House »

Group at Ferris
The entire group together atop Ferris Peak